Cupshe Christmas campaign '23

  • Sisterhood

    Casting for the scene is akin to establishing harmony within the film's composition. Finding the right talent is the key to the Creative Producer's role.

  • Magic 'If'

    Stanislavski's magical words, the 'Magic If.'

    In a world where everything we see is a movie, what if before me stood not just a mother, but an elegant woman playing a character in this cinematic tapestry? In the streets of New York, jazz carols echo, while just a block away, a family finishes a delightful dinner, immersed in lively conversation. Carolers serenade the family Christmas, casting a more beautifully illuminated silhouette of this mother today.

    Amidst banter and warm laughter emanating beyond the candlelight, there lies a festive spirit in the air, painted vividly by the clothes they wear. The jokes flow seamlessly, laughter dances like candle flames, and the attire they adorn carries a message of hope encapsulated in today. To me, a fashion campaign is akin to a movie, a narrative crafted not just for our eyes but for those beside us, encouraging them to revel in the joy and excitement that each ensemble brings.

The wellspring of my inspiration is my mother. Beyond age, she transcends as my muse, an artist, and it is 'fashion' that accentuates her as a woman.